When you think of a drinking fountain, you may not consider the importance of the splash guard. However, this small feature is essential in preventing the spread of germs and maintaining a clean environment. In this article, we’ll dive into the reasons why drinking fountains have splash guards and their benefits.

1. What are splash guards and how do they work?

Splash guards, also known as anti-squirt nozzles, are small features that are often found in drinking fountains. They are designed to prevent water from splashing back and causing a mess. Splash guards work by redirecting the water flow back into the basin, preventing it from hitting the user’s face or clothes.

2. Why are splash guards necessary in drinking fountains?

Drinking fountains are often used by a large number of people, making them susceptible to the spread of germs and bacteria. Splash guards are necessary in drinking fountains to prevent the spread of germs from one person to another. Without splash guards, the water may splash back onto the user’s face or clothes, potentially transferring germs and bacteria.

3. Benefits of using drinking fountains with splash guards

Using drinking fountains with splash guards provides numerous benefits. Some of these benefits include:

  • Preventing the spread of germs and bacteria
  • Maintaining a clean environment
  • Reducing the amount of water waste
  • Improving user experience by preventing water from splashing back onto their face or clothes

4. What are the different types of splash guards?

There are two main types of splash guards commonly used in drinking fountains: flat and curved. Flat splash guards are usually found in older drinking fountains and are simply a flat piece of metal or plastic that redirects water flow back into the basin. Curved splash guards, on the other hand, are designed to redirect water flow at an angle, preventing water from splashing back onto the user.

5. How to maintain splash guards in drinking fountains?

To maintain splash guards in drinking fountains, it’s essential to clean them regularly. Use a soft-bristled brush and a mixture of warm water and mild soap to scrub the splash guard gently. Be sure to rinse thoroughly to remove any soap residue.

6. What to look for when buying drinking fountains with splash guards?

When buying drinking fountains with splash guards, it’s essential to consider the following factors:

  • Material: Choose a drinking fountain made from high-quality, durable materials to ensure longevity.
  • Size: Consider the size of the drinking fountain and whether it will meet the needs of the users.
  • Style: Choose a drinking fountain style that fits the overall design of the space.
  • Certification: Look for certifications from reputable organizations such as NSF and UL to ensure the drinking fountain meets safety and quality standards.

7. How are drinking fountains with splash guards regulated?

Drinking fountains with splash guards are regulated by various organizations to ensure their safety and quality. In the United States, drinking fountains are regulated by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) and Underwriters Laboratories (UL). These organizations test drinking fountains to ensure that they meet certain standards for safety and quality.

8. Are there any alternatives to using drinking fountains with splash guards?

There are a few alternatives to using drinking fountains with splash guards. One option is to use water bottle filling stations instead of drinking fountains. These stations are designed to fill up reusable water bottles, which eliminates the need for users to put their mouth on the fountain. Another option is to use paper cups instead of drinking directly from the fountain.

9. How do splash guards contribute to sustainability?

Splash guards can contribute to sustainability by reducing the amount of water waste. Without splash guards, water may splash back onto the user, causing them to use more water to wash their face or clothes. Additionally, splash guards help to keep the water in the basin, reducing the amount of water that is wasted.

10. Myths and misconceptions about drinking fountains with splash guards

There are a few myths and misconceptions surrounding drinking fountains with splash guards. One myth is that splash guards can cause the water to taste bad or affect the water’s temperature. However, splash guards do not affect the water’s taste or temperature in any way. Another misconception is that drinking fountains are less hygienic than other forms of hydration. In reality, drinking fountains are safe and hygienic as long as they are properly maintained and cleaned regularly.

11. Future of drinking fountains with splash guards

As awareness grows about the importance of maintaining a clean environment and preventing the spread of germs, it’s likely that more drinking fountains with splash guards will be installed in public spaces. Additionally, advancements in technology may lead to the development of new and innovative types of splash guards that are even more effective at preventing water from splashing back onto the user.

12. The impact of COVID-19 on drinking fountains with splash guards

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the use of drinking fountains with splash guards. Many public spaces have closed their drinking fountains to prevent the spread of the virus. However, as vaccinations become more widespread and the pandemic subsides, it’s likely that drinking fountains with splash guards will continue to be a popular choice for hydration in public spaces.

13. Conclusion

In conclusion, splash guards are a vital component of drinking fountains, preventing the spread of germs and maintaining a clean environment. Drinking fountains with splash guards provide numerous benefits, including reducing water waste and improving user experience. When buying a drinking fountain with splash guards, it’s important to consider factors such as material, size, style, and certification. As awareness grows about the importance of maintaining a clean environment, it’s likely that the use of drinking fountains with splash guards will continue to increase.

drinking fountains have splash guards?
drinking fountains have splash guards?

Yes, splash guards can usually be added to existing drinking fountains. However, it’s important to ensure that the splash guard is compatible with the fountain.

No, not all drinking fountains have splash guards. However, they are becoming increasingly common in newer fountains.

Splash guards should be cleaned regularly, at least once a week. However, in areas with high usage, they may need to be cleaned more frequently.

Pearl Flanagan

Writer & Blogger

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